We began a tradition last year of giving out Prime Warframe Noggles near the new year, and that tradition continues today! For every Prime Warframe you purchased, either through Prime Access or Prime Vault in 2019 (with the exception of Ivara, Ash, and Vauban Prime who will come at the end of 2020), you will receive the corresponding Prime Noggles! The Noggles could take a few days to arrive in your inbox, so please be patient while our script propagates. We’ll be monitoring for any missing Noggles.
We purposefully chose to keep these Noggles as a separate gift for players who purchased a Prime Warframe and as such, we have no plans to include them in any packs (accessories or otherwise). The Prime Noggles began as something we made for fun, and rather than have them hidden away, we decided the best thing we could do was to give them to players for free as an extra ‘thank you’ for your additional support.
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